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Dranch's Homepage

!New! What's New? :

* Who am I?

* What do I do?

* Topics I like to Tackle!:

* PC Hardware:

* Remote Access Technology:

* Networking Topics:

* Researching and picking an ISP:

A quick guide to to help endusers ask the rights questions to an ISP to find a GOOD one for your needs!

!New! Security:

Now that everyone on the planet is getting on the Internet, you need to make sure your conversations are private and that hackers can't get into your machines. Check out some of these docs I've written including:

*ISDN: Check out my ISDN pages on many topics including:

!New~ Cablemodems:

*News A new alternative to modem connectivity is finally becoming available to metropolitan areas. Cablemodems! With the promise of mutli-megabit downloads, always on availablity, and at sub $50/month prices.. how can you go wrong? EASY!

* Trinity Designs:

I own and manage Trinity Designs, a private consulting business specializing in Networking, desktops/workstations/servers, and LAN/WAN designs.

* I have removed my bookmarks here as were so old (previous update was Feb 1998!

* Other links..

All Macs should DIE!

Page last updated: 09/16/24

Page Views since: 2/17/2014

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