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33. Samba installation and configuration

Samba is the UNIX service for Microsoft Windows File and Print serving. The funny thing is, a well tuned Linux Samba server is a FASTER NT server than a well tuned NT server itself! As of Samba 2.0, it still doesn't offer full PDC/BDC support yet but it's coming in version 3.x.

* Please note that these installation docs are for Samba 1.9.x and might be somewhat different for a Samba 2.x distribution.

33.1 Determining what version you Samba you might have now

You should be running Samba 2.2.8a as all previous versions of Samba have serious security vunerabilities in dealing with issues like encrypted passwords, buffer overflows, etc. It is HIGHLY recommended that you make sure you are running 2.2.8a or better.

To find out what version you are running, do the following:

whereis smbd
/usr/sbin/smbd -V

33.2 Downloading and compiling Samba

Download the newest Samba source code /and/ the PGP signatures of the Samba archives from the URL given in Section 5. I recommend to put them into a directory such as /usr/src/archive/samba.

NOTE: These compiling installation instructions assume that you are running a Linux OS with a SHADOW password system. You really should be!

Specific Compiling issues:

For some of you, you might have received a compile error of

Compiling smbwrapper/wrapped.c with -fPIC
smbwrapper/wrapped.c:473: conflicting types for `utimes'
/usr/include/sys/time.h:112: previous declaration of `utimes' 

This issue is due to the Samba code not properly recognizing that this code is conflicting with Linux's libraries. To fix this specific problem, disable the Samba version of the "utimes" code. To do this, edit the "src/smbwrapper/wrapped.c" file, goto line 472, and change the code from:

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
 int utimes(const char *name, const struct timeval *tvp)
    if (smbw_path(name)) {
        return smbw_utimes(name, tvp);
    return real_utimes(name, tvp);

to the following:

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>

 int utimes(const char *name, const struct timeval *tvp)
    if (smbw_path(name)) {
        return smbw_utimes(name, tvp);
    return real_utimes(name, tvp);


Once this change is complete, run a "make clean" and re-run the "make"

For others Samba source code users:

33.3 Configuring the smb.conf file

The /etc/smb.conf file is the master file for Samba to both act as a server and as a client (connecting to remote SMB servers). So, edit the /etc/smb.conf file. If you need more information, run "man smb.conf" to read an exceptionally well written and detailed MAN page (it's much better than what you're probably thinking). For TrinityOS, this example shows how to create a few file shares and printer shares as well.

- Under the [Global] Section:

- Edit the "WORKGROUP" line to reflect the name of the workgroup you want

                                WORKGROUP = ACME123

- Edit the "server string" line to reflect the name of the machine

                                server string = TrinityOS Roadrunner Samba Server

- Edit the "hosts" allow line to ONLY reflect:

                                hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.   

- Make sure that printing is enabled:

                                printcap name = /etc/printcap
                                load printers = no
                                printing = bsd

- Make sure the GUEST account is disabled by having a ";" in the front of:

                                ";  guest account = pcguest"

- For Windows 95/98/NT viewing, turn on "user level" security

                                "security = user"

- Windows XP, NT, Windows98, and patched Windows95 require ENCRYPTED SMB passwords. So, make sure you have the follow lines in your smb.conf file (or remove the ";"s if the lines are already there):

                                  encrypt passwords = yes
                                  smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd

- Since the Samba server and all clients are on the same LAN segment, add the following:

                                "socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192"

- Since we have multiple Ethernet cards in the Roadrunner server, set the following:

                                "interfaces ="

- Add the line:

                                "bind interfaces only = true"

- Also set the following:

                                "remote announce = "

- Allow Samba to be a subnet master browser

                                "local master = yes"

- Enable Samba to always win the Subnet Master Browser election

                                "preferred master = yes"

- Enable full Win95 login support:

                                "domain logons = yes"

- Fix Samba permissions so when you create a file/directory, the UNIX permissions are correct too!

                                "create mask = 0770"
                                "directory mask = 0750"

- **OPTIONAL / POSSIBLY an OLD config** Since my Samba server is only used by me, I can essentially disable file write locking on all shares. If you are going to have a lot of users editing the same file, you should NOT enable this option.

                                "fake oplocks = yes"

- **OPTIONAL** Since I have a CD-ROM changer on my machine, I don't need to enable file write locking on those file systems so I'll disable it here.

                                "veto oplock files = /home/hpe/CDROMs/Cdrom*"

- Set or verify the setting of follow shares for each user's home DIR and a central Hp Laserjet IIp printer.

* NOTE: The printer name CANNOT be any longer than -8 characters-!

                        comment = Home Directories
                        # Making this NON-BROWSABLE gets rid of the duplicated "username" and 
                        # "homes" shares
                        browseable = no
                        writable = yes
                        #  Allows only the current Samba user into their home directory
                        user = %S

                        printer = raw
                        comment = Hp LaserJet IIp on RoadRunner
                        path = /var/spool/samba
                        browseable = yes
                        # Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
                        guest ok = no
                        writable = no
                        printable = yes
                        print command = /usr/bin/lpr -b -r -PHp_Lj2p %s
                        lpq command = lpq -PHp_Lj2p
                        lprm command = lprm -PHp_Lj2p %j

                        printer = raw
                        comment = Epson Stylus 500 Color on RoadRunner
                        path = /var/spool/samba
                        browseable = yes
                        # Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
                        guest ok = no
                        writable = no
                        printable = yes
                        print command = /usr/bin/lpr -b -r -PEpson_S %s
                        lpq command = lpq -PEpson_S
                        lprm command = lprm -PEpson_S %j

- The /home/hpe directory is a common directory and SMB share for ALL users. Since ALL the files in this dir should be readable by all other users, I want all files/dirs to be created with the WHEEL group.

                        comment = Hpe
                        path = /home/hpe        
                        read only = no
                        public = no
                        force group = wheel

33.4 Testing your smb.conf file

- Next, you need to test that your /etc/smb.conf file is correct. To do this, simply run the "testparm" program without any additional command line argments and it will check it for you and tell you everything it understands. Browse over this real quick but don't expect to understand much of it! Hehehe..

33.5 Loading Samba for the first time

- Now start up Samba, run

- Redhat:

                                        /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start

- Slackware:

                                        /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -D 
                                        /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D 

33.6 Creating the smbpasswd file

- Lastly, we need to add your login to the Samba username file. Yes, it's separate from the normal /etc/password file. Though this is initially a pain, you can have it auto-syncronise with the UNIX password file (Not covered in the TrinityOS doc..yet) though it is covered in the Samba documentation.

--- All of this is covered in /usr/doc/samba-*/ENCRYPTION.txt file ---

- Ok, to create the /etc/smbpasswd file: run the following command:

                        cat /etc/passwd | >/etc/smbpasswd

- Next, fix the permissions of the file:

                        chmod 500 /etc/smbpasswd

- With this command, all users defined in the /etc/passwd file will have a SMB entry put into the /etc/smbpasswd file. Please note that if desired, users can log in via a different SMB username/passwd than their Unix username/password. Please be aware that though the user is now defined in the smbpasswd file, the user will be LOCKED out until they actually CHANGE their SMB password. To do this, run the following command PER user:

                                smbpasswd johndoe
                                smbpasswd metarzan
                . . . 

33.7 Specific Windows issues with Samba

- A few things to do on your Windows 95/NT box:

- One thing that you might not be used to doing is acutally logging into your Windows. You absolutely NEED to create a username AND a password on your Windows box to correspond to a username/password in the /etc/smbpasswd file on the Linux machine.

- You need to re-configure your Windows95 or WindowsNT servers to use the correct WORKGROUP (ACME123).

Windows 95 and NT: Set the Windows machine(s) to use a WORKGROUP of "acme123" (not a DOMAIN) and use "Share Level" protection.

NOTE: Verify that your Windows95/NT machine does NOT have the NetBEUI protocol installed. If it does, DELETE that protocol.

- Whew! Ok, the home stretch. Reboot your Windows boxes with the new WORKGROUP setting from the smb.conf file and when prompted, login with the configured Windows username and password from the above smbpasswd file. Once logged into the Windows machine, go to the "Network Neighborhood" and see if you see the ROADRUNNER server listed. If everything goes well, you should see your home UNIX directory!

So go for it and see if you can create, delete, move files, etc from File Explorer on your Windows machine. Cool huh?

33.8 Samba printing

If you want to do printing, check out Section 47

** If you canot get Samba to run right, please read the Samba Diagnostic docs:


33.9 Having smbd load upon Linux reboot

- If everything went ok... Excellent! Congratulations! Now make sure that Samba or SMB is enabled to load upon boot.

- To do this, UN-DO all edits for SMB lines in Section 8 - Specifically, run the command:

33.10 Listing and Mounting remote SMB shares locally on your Linux machine

On the flip side, you can mount your Windows95/NT shares onto your Linux box too. Cool huh!

- Assuming that everything worked above, you should be able get a list of shares from your Windows XP/2k/NT/Me/98/95 box, do:

                                "smbclient -L //your-windows-boxs-name -U johndoe" 

When prompted for a password, enter in the same password that you use to log into your Windows95/NT machine. You should then see something like:

                                Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
                                Server time is Tue Jan 12 17:22:36 1999
                                Timezone is UTC-8.0
                                Password: <enter in the password of the Windows file share>
                                Domain=[ACME123] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0]

                                Server=[your-nt-boxs-name] User=[] Workgroup=[ACME123] Domain=[]
                                Sharename      Type      Comment
                                ---------      ----      -------
                                C$                 Disk      
                          IPC$           IPC       Remote IPC

- If the above step worked ok, you should be able to mount your Windows95/NT share directly onto your linux box. To do this, run the following:

mkdir /mnt/smb-c /usr/sbin/smbmount //your-nt-box-name/c$ /mnt/smb \ -o username=johndoe

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