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2. Introduction

TrinityOS is a complete Linux server configuration, maintenance, and security guide for the Linux novice and guru alike! Though there are a LOT of features covered in TrinityOS, you don't have to implement all of them. All I can say is, if you are going to connect your Linux box to the Internet, at least INSTALL the packet firewall!!

This document is tailored as a step-by-step, example driven document, instead of a detailed explanation doc on each Linux feature. It doesn't go into many debugging aspects since the Linux Documentation Project's (LDP) HOWTOs already cover this. The TrinityOS document is intended for a techincal audience but hopefully everything is laid out well enough that a new user should be able to follow along without too much trouble!

All of TrinityOS's step-by-step instructions, files, and scripts are fully scripted out for an automatic installation at:

* For the curious, the name TrinityOS and my company, Trinity Designs, is NOT derived from being religious (the holy Trinity). The name "Trinity Designs" came from the Trinity Alps in Northern California and "TrinityOS" came from the name of the first atomic bomb testing site in White Sands, New Mexico.

Like any UNIX document, it must be updated constantly to remain relevant. I will do my best to maintain this document but all comments, ideas, etc. are appreciated to keep TrinityOS valuable!

This guide was initially based off the Slackware v3.2 distribution but due to a disk crash, I then installed Redhat 5.0 to try it out. From that point on, I now try to make TrinityOS doc reflect other distributions.

Note: Most of the initial functionality given in this document is already available in a modern day distribution such as Mandrake, Redhat, Debian, SuSe, etc. If you are using any other distribution than Redhat, Debian, etc., you will need to use this doc as a *reference* or a project management guide only. You will then need to obtain the various software sources or binaries by hand and configure the software via its native methods.

** Please note that this document will always be "Under Construction". **

Everything in the "Current Features List" has been implemented and should be documented. Some things in the "Future Features" section have already been completed though not necessarily documented yet. If you have any specific questions about the "Future" or "Current features".. feel free to ask!

#### Tangent #### # # If you have come to this doc directly, you also might want to # check out the rest of my WWW page at: # # # # It covers other topics such as: #

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