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1. Copyright Notice


Written, Maintained, Trademarked, and Copyrighted by David A. Ranch (dranch at trinnet dot net)

Sorry for all the legal stuff...

I've already had one company try to take the name TrinityOS from me (thus the trademark - Reg. Numbers 2440502 and 2525874). I also have had one LDP Guide author ("Securing and Optimizing Linux Red Hat Edition - A Hands on Guide") rip off a large portion of TrinityOS's content without even referencing me or TrinityOS as a source. Unfortunately, this author simply rewrote / rephrased the sections of it to avoid any direct copyright issue though the content is the same. So, with all this bad luck, I had to start covering my butt from the many lowlifes in the world.

Anyway, if you would like to use some of the content from TrinityOS in your project, you NEED to contact me first for permission. I'm an easy going guy so it won't be a big deal. Please just don't use my stuff first and ask second. That's pretty silly.

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