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14. Final Linux Kernel compiling and installation

14.1 Manually compiling the kernel

Time to compile the kernel. You can do it manually via the following commands or use the "built-it" script given below.

        "cd /usr/src/kernel/linux"
        "make clean"
        "make dep"
        "make bzImage"

and allow for the kernel to compile (~3mins on a P-II 233)

- Now, compile and install the necessary system modules:

        "cd /usr/src/kernel/linux"
        "make modules"
        "make modules_install"

- Once the kernel has compiled, do the following command line (replacing "XYZ" with an identifing name like "2035-masq":


                "cp /usr/src/kernel/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /XYZ"


                "cp /usr/src/kernel/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/XYZ"

14.2 Automating kernel compiling via the "build-it" script

If you would like to automate this process in the future, create this script in /usr/src/kernel and run it once you have configured your new kernel.

NOTE: You will want to create the directory /usr/src/kernel/config to store your configured kernel setups. This is a good way to find out what is and isn't enabled in a given kernel.


<build-it START>

# Version: 11/10/01
# Part of the copyrighted and trademarked TrinityOS document.
# <url url="">
# Written and Maintained by David A. Ranch
# dranch at trinnet dot net
# Updates:
# 07/09/03 - Added checks to stop the process if the kernel doesn't compile
#          - Added the use of path variables
#          - Added additional echo statements for cleaner output
# 11/10/01 - added the use of mrproper to solve rare kernel module issues
# 11/09/01 - made making "dep" serial as doing via parallel had issues
#          - Holy cow.. forgot to parallelize the making of the kernel
# 10/04/01 - Moved the kernel sources and this script to /usr/src/kernel
# 01/17/00 - Changed the date to use %d over %e and remove 
#            any spacesn the date format.
#          - Changed the layout a little and added some beeps at the end

# Multi-process option (enable this even for uni-processor machines..
# seriously)

#Location of the kernel sources

# --- Script Body

cd $SRC/linux

#Make sure the $SRC/config directory exists.
cp $SRC/linux/.config $SRC/config/kernel.`date +'%b%d'`

# Deal with rare but troublesome kernel module symbol issues
mv .config ..

echo -e "\n\n**********************************************"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**       Pre-Phase 1: make mrproper         **"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**********************************************\n\n"
make mrproper

echo -e "\n\n**********************************************"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**       Pre-Phase 2: make oldconfig        **"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**********************************************\n\n"
mv ../.config .
make oldconfig

echo -e "\n\n**********************************************"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**       Pre-Phase 3: make clean            **"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**********************************************\n\n"
# Clean up from any previous builds
make $J clean

# Start to time the build time
date > $SRC/kernel-compile-time.`date +'%b%d'`

#Do not parallelize the DEP phase as it can fail
echo -e "\n\n**********************************************"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**       Phase 1/5: make dep                **"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**********************************************\n\n"

make dep

# Parallize everything else
echo -e "\n\n**********************************************"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**       Phase 2/5: make bzImage            **"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**********************************************\n\n"
make $J bzImage

#Did it really compile properly?
if [ ! -f $SRC/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage ]; then
   #Send a few beeps
   echo ""
   sleep 1
   echo ""
   sleep 1
   echo ""

   echo -e "\n\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
   echo -e "!!                                          !!"
   echo -e "!! ERROR:                                   !!"
   echo -e "!!                                          !!"
   echo -e "!!  Kernel did not properly compile.        !!"
   echo -e "!!  (bzImage file is missing).  ABORTING.   !!"
   echo -e "!!                                          !!"
   echo -e "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n"

   #Aborting without cleanup will save a required ojects, etc.
   exit 1

#The kernel binary is present, move on

echo -e "\n\n**********************************************"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**       Phase 3/5: make modules            **"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**********************************************\n\n"
make $J modules

echo -e "\n\n**********************************************"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**       Phase 4/5: make modules_install    **"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**********************************************\n\n"
make $J modules_install

echo -e "\n\n**********************************************"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**       Phase 5/5: Move binaries over      **"
echo -e "**                                          **"
echo -e "**********************************************\n\n"

cp $SRC/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage
cp $SRC/linux/ /boot/
date >> $SRC/kernel-compile-time.`date +'%b%d'`

echo -e "\n\nCompile Done."
echo -e "\nRename /boot/bzImage to a proper name, edit /etc/lilo.conf,"
echo -e "rename /boot/ to a proper name, symlink this new"
echo -e "map file to /boot/, and finally and finally re-run "
echo -e "lilo.  Make sure lilo runs cleanly"

#Due to SGML conversions, the ASCII "bell" code might become 
# corrupt.  To fix this, edit this file with say Vim, delete the
# "^G" characters and resplace them with the following in INSERT 
# mode (the control-q tells Vi to add the following character as
# binary and not ascii:
#   Control-Q  Control-G
echo ^G
sleep 1
echo ^G
sleep 1
echo ^G

<build-it STOP>

Don't forget.. "chmod 700 /usr/src/kernel/build-it"

To run the script, run it as "./built-it"

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