Unproto communications on a Kenwood D710 DIGIPEAT - default ON - MYALIAS - KI6ZHD - keyboard 2 keyboard callsign MYMCALL - KI6ZHD-1 - Mailbox alias callsign and SSID SENDPAC $0D - TX when you hit ENTER CPACTIME OFF - [optimization] turns off timing specific TX so text strings will be sent vs. only a number of characters in a given time perior MCOM - monitor control packets #Set the UNPROTO PATH for packets to be digipeated along - PATH is QTH #specific unproto David VIA WOODY KBERR KTUO KMOC KBETH KLIVE KPAC converse - From CMD mode, once you enter converse mode, anything you type will send the text in a non-connected fashion via UNPROTO frames